Research visit at DTU

We just had an exciting opportunity to assist with the experimental campaign carried out by the students and researchers from the Combustion and Harmful Emission Control (CHEC) Group at the Danish Technical University (DTU). The campaign was focused on biochar production and characterisation and it included the experimental run of SS Camilla – the two-stage […]
Feedstock selection completed

The first work package is in progress. Read our short report on what we’ve been working on recently in WP1. Based on the literature review and the availability of the feedstock, we selected materials that will be used to produce our char samples. Aiming at the residuals from agricultural and forestry sectors, we decided to […]
The FlowChar project in the Polish Radio no. 4!

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 17.30, we had the pleasure to participate in the program of Polish Radio 4 in the broadcast “TOP – Trochę Optymizmu Popołudniem”, hosted by Jan Olejniczak, which is entirely devoted to technological novelties. The Principal Investigator, Dr. Agnieszka Korus, talked about the FlowChar project on the air. During the audition, […]