First conference appearance!

The first task of WP2 involved testing different FCDI module configurations to determine process parameters suitable for the comparison of the performance of char-based electrodes. One of the aspects investigated by our FCDI specialist, Dr Hanna Jaroszek, was which type of ion-exchange membrane is most suitable for our research. Recently, she had the opportunity to […]
Testing different FCDI configurations

Desalination tests are going full speed ahead! Read about the effects of our work. We are playing with different FCDI configurations, e.g., comparing graphite and steel current collectors. Graphite is more resistant to corrosion, yet it also has higher electrical resistance than metals. As there are no perfect solutions, we are trying to select the […]
The parts for FCDI module have arrived!

We are so pleased to inform you that all the parts of the FCDI ensemble are now at our lab at the Silesian University of Technology, and we are ready to perform the preliminary tests! Read more about our experimental stand for water desalination. The heart of the test stand – the membrane module for […]
WP2 has started

The new month has brought us new challenges. Read what awaits us in the near future. With the start of February, we have launched a second work package that will focus on the electrosorption of ions on the gasification char. We also welcomed our new researcher Dr. Hanna Jaroszek, who will be involved in experimental […]