The new month has brought us new challenges. Read what awaits us in the near future.
With the start of February, we have launched a second work package that will focus on the electrosorption of ions on the gasification char. We also welcomed our new researcher Dr. Hanna Jaroszek, who will be involved in experimental work within WP2.
The main objective of the WP2 is to study the performance of gasification char flow electrodes during the capacitive deionisation of water. The experiments carried out within WP2 are necessary to provide the spent char saturated with metal ions, which will be subjected to kinetics tests in WP3. More details about WP2 can be found here.
The main researcher for WP2 will be Dr. Hanna Jaroszek, whose main interests are membrane processes, desalination, and wastewater treatment. See our team here.
Wish us good luck!